Deciding if it’s Worth Getting Life Coach Certification

Are you considering a career as a life coach? You may be wondering if it’s worth getting life coach certification. While certification is not necessary to work with paid clients in the unregulated field of life coaching, many aspiring coaches choose to get certified for various reasons. Let’s explore the benefits and factors to consider before making a decision.

Key Takeaways:

  • Life coach certification is not required but can provide additional skills and knowledge to build a successful coaching business.
  • Certification programs, such as those accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), may offer credibility and networking opportunities.
  • When choosing a program, consider factors like format, duration, cost, specialization, and your learning style.
  • The top three life coach certification programs of 2022 are the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), The Life Coach School, and Transformation Academy.
  • Other recommended programs include Accomplishment Coaching, ADAPT Health Coach Training Program, and Certified Coaches Alliance.

What is Life Coach Certification?

Life coach certification is a specialized training program designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become professional life coaches. These certification programs come in two forms: ICF-accredited and non-accredited. ICF-accredited programs adhere to the standards set by the International Coaching Federation, ensuring a high level of quality and credibility.

With a life coach certification, individuals can pursue various career options within the coaching industry. They can choose to work with individuals to help them achieve personal and professional goals, or they can specialize in specific areas such as health coaching, leadership coaching, or entrepreneurship coaching. Some coaches also work with organizations to facilitate team development and enhance employee performance.

To better understand the concept of life coach certification, let’s take a look at the following table, which highlights the key differences between ICF-accredited and non-accredited certification programs:

ICF-Accredited Certification Programs Non-Accredited Certification Programs
  • Meet ICF standards
  • Enhance credibility
  • Offer networking opportunities
  • Follow established coaching methodologies
  • Not ICF-accredited
  • May still provide valuable training
  • More flexibility in curriculum
  • Potentially lower cost

Aspiring coaches should carefully consider their goals, preferences, and budget when choosing a life coach certification program. While ICF-accredited programs offer additional benefits, non-accredited programs can still provide valuable training at a potentially lower cost.

How to Choose the Right Coach Training For You

Choosing the right coach training program is a crucial step in becoming a certified life coach. With so many options available, it’s important to consider several factors before making a decision. Here are some key considerations to help you find the program that is best suited to your needs and goals:


Consider whether you prefer an in-person or online format for your training. In-person programs offer the opportunity for face-to-face interaction and networking, while online programs provide flexibility and convenience. Think about your learning style and what environment will allow you to thrive.


Take into account the time commitment required by each program. Some programs can be completed in a matter of weeks, while others may span several months. Consider your availability and how much time you can dedicate to your training.


Research the costs associated with different coach training programs. Prices can vary greatly, so it’s important to determine what you’re comfortable investing in your education. Remember to consider the potential return on investment in terms of future career opportunities.


Think about the specific areas of coaching that interest you. Some programs offer specialized training in areas such as health coaching, leadership coaching, or relationship coaching. Consider whether you want to develop expertise in a particular niche or have a broader skill set.

Program Format Duration Cost Specialization
iPEC Online 10-12 months $11,950 USD Various specializations
The Life Coach School Online Self-paced $21,000 USD Mindset and confidence building
Transformation Academy Online Self-paced Starting at $497 USD Niche-specific trainings

By considering these factors and doing thorough research, you can find the coach training program that aligns with your goals, learning style, and budget. Remember, becoming a certified life coach is an investment in yourself and your future career, so choose wisely!

The 3 Best Life Coach Certification Programs of 2022

If you’re considering getting certified as a life coach, it’s important to choose a program that will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in this field. To help you in your search, we’ve compiled a list of the top three life coach certification programs of 2022, based on feedback from 34 coaches. These programs have received high ratings and offer comprehensive training in various coaching techniques and methodologies.

Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) is an ICF-accredited certification program that offers a 10-12 month training with a strong focus on building a coaching community and developing coaching skills. The program is delivered through webinars, e-workbooks, and self-study materials, with three days of live in-person or virtual classes. iPEC has received positive reviews from past students, highlighting its strong community, intense structure, and ICF accreditation.

The Life Coach School

The Life Coach School is an online, self-paced program that focuses on mindset and confidence building. While it is not ICF accredited, the program has been praised by some students for the self-confidence gained. However, there have been criticisms regarding the lack of evidence-based teachings and limited feedback from instructors. The program includes monthly calls, membership, and in-person mastermind workshops.

Transformation Academy

Transformation Academy offers low-cost training programs with in-depth coaching certifications. The programs are self-paced and 100% virtual, consisting of video-based training with printable worksheets. While not ICF accredited, Transformation Academy offers niche-specific trainings and responsive faculty. Students have praised the thoroughness of the content and the affordability of the programs.

Program Accreditation Training Format Cost
Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) ICF accredited Webinars, e-workbooks, self-study, in-person/virtual classes $11,950 USD
The Life Coach School Not ICF accredited Online, self-paced, monthly calls, in-person mastermind workshops $21,000 USD
Transformation Academy Not ICF accredited Online, self-paced, video-based training Starting at $497 USD

When choosing a life coach certification program, it is important to consider your own goals, learning style, and budget. These top three programs offer different approaches and benefits, so take the time to thoroughly research and compare them to find the best fit for your needs as you embark on your journey to becoming a certified life coach.

best life coach certification programs

Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

The Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) is a highly regarded life coach certification program that offers comprehensive training for aspiring coaches. iPEC is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which is a globally recognized accreditation body for coaching programs. This accreditation ensures that iPEC follows the highest standards of coaching education and provides graduates with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the field.

The iPEC program is delivered in a flexible format that combines online learning with in-person or virtual classes. This allows students to study at their own pace while also benefiting from live interactions with instructors and peers. The training program typically takes 10-12 months to complete, with a total of 320 training hours. During this time, students will learn various coaching techniques, gain practical experience through supervised coaching sessions, and develop a strong foundation in coaching ethics and standards.

One of the key strengths of iPEC is its focus on building a coaching community. The program emphasizes the importance of networking and collaboration, providing students with opportunities to connect with fellow coaches and industry professionals. This sense of community helps students develop a support system and fosters ongoing learning and growth even after completing the program.

Highlights of the iPEC program:

  • ICF accreditation
  • Flexibility of online learning
  • Option for in-person or virtual classes
  • Strong emphasis on building a coaching community
  • Comprehensive training in coaching techniques and ethics

If you are considering pursuing a life coach certification online, iPEC is certainly a program worth exploring. Its ICF accreditation, flexible format, and focus on community make it a valuable choice for aspiring coaches looking to build a rewarding career in coaching.

iPEC Life Coach Certification

The Life Coach School

The Life Coach School is an online, self-paced program that focuses on mindset and confidence building. This program offers individuals the opportunity to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to become a certified life coach. Although it is not ICF accredited, The Life Coach School has gained popularity for its unique approach to coaching that emphasizes mindset shifts and personal growth.

Program Highlights Program Drawbacks
  • Self-paced online program
  • Emphasis on mindset and confidence building
  • Monthly calls and membership
  • In-person mastermind workshops
  • Not ICF accredited
  • Higher cost compared to other programs
  • Lack of evidence-based teachings
  • Limited feedback from instructors

“The Life Coach School has helped me gain so much self-confidence and belief in my abilities as a coach. The emphasis on mindset shifts has been life-changing for both me and my clients.” – Sarah, a graduate of The Life Coach School

The Life Coach School offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of coaching techniques and tools. Students have access to monthly coaching calls, membership to The Life Coach School community, and the opportunity to attend in-person mastermind workshops. However, it is important to note that this program does not have ICF accreditation, which may be a consideration for those seeking a more recognized certification.

mindset and confidence building

With a cost of $21,000 USD, The Life Coach School is one of the more expensive options for life coach certification. Additionally, some students have expressed concerns about the lack of evidence-based teachings and limited feedback from instructors. However, those who have completed the program have highlighted the self-confidence gained and the positive impact it has had on their coaching abilities.

Transformation Academy

Transformation Academy offers a range of life coaching certification programs that are both affordable and accessible. These programs are 100% virtual and self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own convenience. The training consists of video-based lessons, accompanied by printable worksheets to reinforce your understanding and application of the concepts.

This academy may not be ICF accredited, but it does provide niche-specific trainings that cater to various areas of coaching. Whether you’re interested in relationship coaching, career coaching, or personal development coaching, Transformation Academy has a program for you. The faculty is responsive and committed to supporting your growth as a coach.

One of the notable advantages of Transformation Academy is its low cost. The programs start at just $497 USD, making it an affordable option for those who are on a budget or want to explore coaching without a significant financial commitment. Despite the lower price, students have praised the thoroughness of the content and the quality of the training they received.

Life coaching certification online

Transformation Academy Program Options

Program Price Duration
Relationship Coaching Certification $497 USD Self-Paced
Career Coaching Certification $697 USD Self-Paced
Personal Development Coaching Certification $897 USD Self-Paced

As you consider your options for life coach certification, don’t overlook the value and affordability that Transformation Academy provides. It’s an excellent choice if you want to explore coaching as a career or enhance your existing coaching skills. With their niche-specific programs and responsive faculty, you can gain the knowledge and confidence to make a positive impact as a coach.

15 More Programs That Coaches Recommend

If you’re considering a career as a life coach, there are plenty of training programs to choose from. In addition to the top three programs mentioned earlier, coaches also recommend several other coaching schools that have received positive ratings and reviews. These programs offer unique approaches and specializations, allowing coaches to find the one that best suits their interests and goals. Here are 15 more programs that come highly recommended:

  • Accomplishment Coaching
  • ADAPT Health Coach Training Program
  • Certified Coaches Alliance
  • Coaches Training Institute
  • CoachU
  • Health Coach Institute
  • Institute for Integrative Nutrition
  • Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)
  • Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
  • Life Purpose Institute
  • National Institute of Whole Health
  • Newfield Network
  • PCCCA – Professional Christian Coaching & Counseling Academy
  • School of Coaching Mastery
  • The Coaches Training Institute

These programs offer a wide range of benefits and features. Some are focused on specific niches such as health coaching or Christian coaching, while others provide comprehensive training in general life coaching. Be sure to research each program thoroughly to find the one that aligns with your interests, budget, and career goals.

Choosing the right coaching program is a personal decision. Consider your strengths, interests, and values when exploring your options.

Remember that certification is not the only path to becoming a successful life coach. The most important factors are the skills and knowledge you acquire during your training. Whether you choose one of the top programs or one of the honorable mentions, the key is to invest in your development as a coach and continuously improve your skills as you work with clients.

Coaching School Specialization Program Duration Cost
Accomplishment Coaching General Life Coaching 6-12 months $10,000-$12,000
ADAPT Health Coach Training Program Health Coaching 6 months $6,495
Certified Coaches Alliance General Life Coaching 6-12 months $5,997
Coaches Training Institute General Life Coaching 10 months $15,000
CoachU General Life Coaching 9-12 months $7,797-$10,260
Health Coach Institute Health Coaching 6 months $4,950
Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coaching 1 year $5,995
Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) General Life Coaching 10-12 months $11,950
Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health Mindfulness Coaching 6 months $6,995
Life Purpose Institute General Life Coaching 6-12 months $5,850
National Institute of Whole Health Wellness Coaching 10 months $6,995
Newfield Network Transformational Coaching 6-18 months $12,000-$15,000
PCCCA – Professional Christian Coaching & Counseling Academy Christian Coaching 6-12 months $5,997
School of Coaching Mastery General Life Coaching 6-12 months $7,997-$9,997
The Coaches Training Institute General Life Coaching 10 months $15,000

Source: Own research, based on information available on coaching school websites. Prices and program durations are subject to change. Please visit the respective websites for the most up-to-date information.


Deciding whether to pursue life coach certification is a personal choice that depends on your individual goals and aspirations. While certification can offer benefits such as credibility and networking opportunities, it is not a requirement to embark on a successful career as a life coach. Ultimately, what matters most is the training and skills you acquire, regardless of how you obtain them.

When considering certification programs, take the time to thoroughly research and compare different options. Look for programs that align with your needs and preferences, such as the format, duration, specialization, and cost. Remember that there are both ICF-accredited and non-accredited programs, each with their own advantages and limitations.

Whether you choose to pursue certification or not, the journey towards becoming a life coach involves continuous learning and growth. Seek out opportunities to expand your knowledge and skills through workshops, seminars, and ongoing professional development. Remember that the most important aspect of being a life coach is your ability to make a positive impact on others and guide them on their personal growth journey.


Is it worth getting life coach certification?

Life coach certification can offer benefits such as credibility and networking opportunities, but it is not a requirement to work as a life coach. It is important to consider your own goals and preferences before deciding if certification is worth it for you.

What is life coach certification?

Life coach certification is a training program that provides individuals with the skills and knowledge to become a professional life coach. It can include ICF-accredited programs that meet international standards and offer additional benefits, or non-accredited programs that still provide comprehensive training.

How do I choose the right coach training program?

When choosing a coach training program, consider factors such as format, duration, cost, and specialization. Research different programs, compare their curriculum and reviews, and align them with your goals and needs as a future life coach.

What are the top three life coach certification programs of 2022?

The top three life coach certification programs of 2022, according to a survey of coaches, are iPEC, The Life Coach School, and Transformation Academy. These programs offer comprehensive training and have received positive reviews from coaches.

What is iPEC?

iPEC is an ICF-accredited certification program that offers a 10-12 month training with a strong focus on building a coaching community and developing coaching skills. It is delivered through webinars, e-workbooks, and self-study materials, with live classes. The program has received positive reviews and offers ICF accreditation.

What is The Life Coach School?

The Life Coach School is an online, self-paced program that focuses on mindset and confidence building. It is not ICF accredited and has a higher price compared to other programs. While some students have appreciated the self-confidence gained from the program, there have been criticisms regarding evidence-based teachings and limited feedback.

What is Transformation Academy?

Transformation Academy offers low-cost training programs with in-depth coaching certifications. The programs are self-paced and 100% virtual, consisting of video-based training with printable worksheets. While not ICF accredited, Transformation Academy offers niche-specific trainings and responsive faculty.

Can you recommend other coaching programs?

Some other coaching programs that have been recommended by coaches include Accomplishment Coaching, ADAPT Health Coach Training Program, and Certified Coaches Alliance. These programs offer unique approaches and specializations, providing coaches with a wide range of options to choose from.

Do I need life coach certification to become a life coach?

Life coach certification is not a requirement to work as a life coach, as the industry is unregulated. However, certification can provide additional skills, knowledge, credibility, and networking opportunities that may benefit your career as a life coach.

What should I consider before pursuing life coach certification?

Before pursuing life coach certification, it is important to thoroughly research and consider different programs, their costs, curriculum, reviews, and alignment with your goals and aspirations. Ultimately, the most valuable aspect of becoming a life coach is the training and skills you acquire, which can be obtained through various means.

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